North and South
Original Oil Painting
Fiona Smith
North and South
Oil on canvas, framed in light oak
120 x 90cm (canvas size)
123 x 93cm (framed size)
$3600 or $360 a month with Art Money
How to buy with Art Money
Enter the code 'ARTMONEY' at the checkout to complete your initial 10% upfront payment.
Then login to Art Money to apply and create your purchase.
Original Oil Painting
Fiona Smith
North and South
Oil on canvas, framed in light oak
120 x 90cm (canvas size)
123 x 93cm (framed size)
$3600 or $360 a month with Art Money
How to buy with Art Money
Enter the code 'ARTMONEY' at the checkout to complete your initial 10% upfront payment.
Then login to Art Money to apply and create your purchase.
Original Oil Painting
Fiona Smith
North and South
Oil on canvas, framed in light oak
120 x 90cm (canvas size)
123 x 93cm (framed size)
$3600 or $360 a month with Art Money
How to buy with Art Money
Enter the code 'ARTMONEY' at the checkout to complete your initial 10% upfront payment.
Then login to Art Money to apply and create your purchase.
The magpie on the right is from the south, with the white shawl extending down its back. The other maggie is of the kind found in Sydney, with its helmet of white ending at the back of the neck.
They are conversing on a version of a reproduction wing chair. The background is inspired by a Victorian era wallpaper panel.